Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Partner in Crime.

A good friend has started doing her own Yarn Tags around town.

Here's a couple she put up in Southport last week.
Southport is such a great spot for Yarn Bombing - lots of people about, and an eclectic mix of people too.

It's awesome having someone else on board!
Would love to hear from anyone else keen to share some Yarn love around the GC as well.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Is this the greatest thing you've ever seen?
It's my new knitting bag - carrying my latest project, plus a few tags in case the perfect bombing opportunty arises when out and about!

For those interested, I bought it from Cafe Press.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bundall 1st August 2010

Gold Coast Arts Centre Sculpture Walk.

Wish I had taken more tags with me, this was an unplanned bombing - a perfect spot for many many more. We might go back one night.......

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Well here we are then......

....... Yarn Bombing has arrived on the Gold Coast

A gorgeous Winter's afternoon, a stroll around the Botanic Gardens. People everywhere, and two lovely new tags to decorate the place.

We noticed a lot of kids wanting to touch them after they were up. It was lovely to see!